Low Cost Of Doing Business. More Profits For You.


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Payment Cycle

As a Bylukz seller, we prioritise prompt payments. Your payments are released after your product is dispatched, ensuring a fast turnaround time.

Our payment cycle initiates when your product is picked up, and you can expect to receive your payment in as fast as 30* days. Payments are securely transferred directly to your registered bank account, with Bylukz fees deducted accordingly.

* Payment schedules are seller tier dependent. Payments are released at the earliest date from the date of dispatch. Login to your Bykukz seller account to know your payment schedules.

Fulfilment Type

The fees charged by Bylukz are indeed dependent upon the type of fulfilment option you choose. The fulfilment options include:

Fulfilment by Bylukz (FBB)

where Bylukz takes care of packaging, shipping, and delivery.

Non Fulfilment by Bylukz (NFBB)

where you handle packaging and shipping

The fees associated with each option may vary to accommodate the different services provided. It is important to review and understand the fee structure for your chosen fulfilment option to effectively manage your costs and maximise your profitability as a seller on Bylukz.

Fee Type

At Bylukz, the fees charged vary based on the category of products you sell, the shipping method you choose, and the selling price of your products. There are four types of fees applicable:

Fixed Fee (Platform Opportunity)

The fixed fee, also known as the closing fee, is implemented on the Bylukz platform to enhance the overall experience for both customers and sellers. This fee is utilised to drive product innovations, improve the Bylukz platform, and create additional growth opportunities for sellers. By implementing the fixed fee, Bylukz aims to continuously enhance its services and provide a better ecosystem for sellers to thrive and expand their businesses.

Average Selling Price (₹) Fulfilment by Bylukz (FBB) Non Fulfilment by Bylukz (NFBB)
0 - 300 14 16
301 - 500 14 16
501 - 1000 30 30
>1000 50 55

Please note that the information provided above is based on the standard rate card and is subject to change. To obtain the accurate and up-to-date fixed fee applicable to your sales, we recommend logging into your Bylukz seller account. By accessing your account, you can stay informed about the specific fixed fees that apply to your transactions.

Commission Fee (Category)

Commission Fee is a percentage-based fee that varies depending on the category under which your product is sold online on Bylukz. Each category has a specific range of commission rates applied to the final selling price of the product. It's important to note that the commission fee is subject to change based on market conditions, the seller ecosystem, demand, and other factors.

To obtain the accurate commission fee applicable to your product, we recommend logging into your Bylukz seller account. By accessing your account, you can stay updated on the specific commission rates that apply to your products.

Collection Fee (Mode of payment to customer)

The Collection fee is determined based on the type of payment chosen by the customer, whether it's prepaid (e.g., UPI, Netbanking) or Cash on Delivery (COD).

For prepaid orders, a fee is charged to cover the payment gateway associated with the transaction. On the other hand, for Cash on Delivery, which is a postpaid mode of payment collection, a fee is charged to facilitate the cash collection service.

The collection fee is calculated based on the final selling price of the product.

Average Selling Price (₹) Cash on Delivery (COD) Prepaid
0 - 750 ₹ 12.5 ₹ 12.5
>750 2% 2%

Please note that the information provided above is based on the standard rate card and is subject to change. To obtain the accurate and up-to-date collection fee applicable to your sales, we recommend logging into your Bylukz seller account. By accessing your account, you can stay informed about the specific collection fees that apply to your transactions.

Shipping Fee (Weight and Location)

The shipping fee is calculated based on the actual weight of the product or the volumetric weight, whichever is higher. Volumetric weight accounts for items that are lightweight but occupy a significant amount of shipping space. This approach ensures fair and accurate shipping charges are applied, taking into consideration the actual or volumetric weight of the products being shipped.

Volumetric Weight (kg) = Length (cm) X Breadth (cm) X Height (cm)/5000
Weight Bucket (Kgs) Local (Intracity) Zonal (Intrazone) National (Interzone)
0.5 47 54 68
0.5-1 (for every 0.5kgs) 4 19 26
1-1.5 (for every 0.5kgs) 13 17 28
1.5-2 (for every 0.5kgs) 10 18 22
2-2.5 (for every 0.5kgs) 8 11 17
2.5-3 (for every 0.5kgs) 8 11 17
3-4 (for every 1kg) 7 10 16
4-5 (for every 1kg) 7 10 16

Please note that the information provided above is based on the standard rate card and is subject to change. To obtain the accurate and up-to-date shipping fee applicable to your sales, we recommend logging into your Bylukz seller account. By accessing your account, you can stay informed about the specific shipping fees that apply to your transactions.

  • Local (Intracity): Item shipped within a city

  • Zonal (Intrazone): Item shipped within the borders of a zone (North, South, East, West)

  • National (Interzone): Item shipped across zones

How To Calculate Your Margin?

The seller dashboard provides comprehensive information about the various fee types applicable to each sale, allowing you to understand the details in a detailed manner.

To calculate your gross margin for each sale, you can follow these indicative steps:

Total Bylukz fees = Fixed Fee + Commission Fee + Shipping Fee + Collection Fee
Gross Margin (excluding GST) = Selling Price of Product - Total Bylukz Fees charged
Fixed Fee (Platform Opportunity)

You are a Non-FBB seller selling a Juicer Mixer Grinder on Bylukz at ₹2000 (selling price).

Step 1

Calculate Shipping Fees

Geography: If you are selling the product from Ludhiana to a customer in Bangalore, the national shipping cost will be applicable.

Weight: The weight of the final packed product to be measured and relevant prices to be applied. If the weight of the packed product is 2kgs, the final shipping cost is ₹144

Step 2

Calculate Collection Fees

f you choose the prepaid mode of payment from your customer, 2% will be applied (since your selling price is above ₹750)

final collection fee: 2% of 2000 = ₹40

Step 3

Calculate Commission Fees

Apply the percentage relevant to the juicer mixer grinder category. Since the seller here is a NonFBB seller, 5% will be applicable.

5% x ₹2000 = ₹100

Step 4

Calculate Fixed fees

Since the selling price of the juicer mixer grinder is above ₹1000 and you are a Non-FBB seller, the fixed fee will be ₹55

5% x ₹2000 = ₹100

Step 5

Total Bylukz fees

₹144 + ₹40 + ₹100 + ₹55 = ₹339

Step 6

Calculate gross margin

Selling price = ₹2000

Bylukz Fees = ₹339

Gross Margin = ₹2000 - ₹339 = ₹1661

Note: The figures mentioned above are for illustrative purposes only and intended to provide a general understanding. Actual fees may vary based on factors such as the specific services selected, precise dimensions/weight/volumetric weight, category classification, additional services utilised, recent rate card updates, applicable GST, and other factors. To obtain accurate and up-to-date information on the fees applicable to your sales, we recommend logging into your Bylikz seller account. By accessing your account, you can view the specific fees applicable to your products and transactions.

Calculate Your Fees & Commission


Commission Fee (CF)


Fixed Fee (FF)


Payment Collection Fee (PCF)


Bylukz Shipping Fee (BSF)




GST on (CF + FF + PCF + BSF)


Total Bylukz Charges


Gross Margin